Friday, August 17, 2012
President's Active Lifestyle Award
This week you should find in your Friday folders your Active Lifestyle Log sheets. We have done this in the past. All of the elementary schools in our county participate in this program. It is not mandatory, but we do encourage it. Beginning August 20th you may start logging your exercise time. This log will run through September 30th (6 weeks) and should be turned in on October 1st. Those who complete their log and turn it in on time will get to participate in our Victory Lap around the school the following week. This is an exciting reward for the students as all the classes come into the hallway and cheer to congratulate them for accomplishing this task. We understand and know that everyone can't finish the log. It isn't easy. Sometimes we get sick and can't complete it, or other things come up. That is okay. It is simply a goal that we can try to achieve. Please know that the activities must be recorded 5 days out of the week for 60 minutes a day for it to count at the end. If you lose your form you can click on the link on this blog to print a new one. Have fun with this challenge!